San Francisco 49ers

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Brenda C - Princeton, West Virginia

My license plate was perfect! Thank you very much for such a outstanding job. What greatservice, received in 3 days. I'm already worrying about getting it chipped, my husband said I should had ordered two. So near future I will be returning

Jan L - Johnson City, NY

I have received my plate today and I am fully satisfied. Thank you.


My brother just loved the license plate. He was never so happy.He said you really did a fantastic job!!!!I know you really went out of your way!!Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It made me really happy to put a smile on his face. Have a good Thanksgiving and thank you soooooooo very much!!!!! - Barbara

Robert B - Toledo, OH

6 of my Classic Cars that all have your license plates on them.You could use these as a testimonial of a satisfied customer many times over -The custom license plates that you have provided to me give my classic cars the finishing touch.Thanks for your great product and service that you provide

Michael G - Clifton, New Jersey

Just wanted to write to say that my plate frame was delivered last week and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The product is EXACTLY what I was hoping for. The quality is excellent and I couldn't have picked a better type for the letters. I am very happy I stumbled across your site and I thank you for quickly answering my questions. I will gladly recommend your site and products in the future.

Chris - Chicago, Illinois

Hi,I wanted to let you know how happy we are with the license plates! They came out awesome!Chris

Caroline Alder

Thank you for the invoice,I just received the plates and they are beautiful!best regards,

Victor - Charleston, South Carolina

Goodmorning - I amnot sure this is the right email or not to, but all I got to say is that I amvery impressed with the license plate. I love it so much I am thinking inre-ordering a replica of it. It got here quick. You guys are awesome and I amglad I found you on the search engine google.  Thanksyou so much!!!! Victor

Daniel Carlson - Orem, Utah

I Love the front Euro plate I ordered for my Volvo. Every one says it looks so much better. Got the plate a week after it shipped out. Have recommended to every one that has asked where to get one

Charles S - Quebec, Canada

I got my plates!Wow!Great plates, quick shipment.Thank you so much

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