Florida Marlins



Rob - Wrentham, Massachusetts

To whom it may concern:I am amazed at the timeliness, quality, professional packaging, handling, and execution of my order for your reproduction license plate! Add my name to the SEVERELY satisfied customers list, because your work is nothing short of perfect. Worth every penny of the $100 you charged me! Thanks for a great surprise of opening the package and finding the item exceed my expectations by a wide margin.Cordially,Rob E.

Juan G - Key Biscayne, Florida



Got my plate yesterday and it's AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO happy I found you guys on the web!! If I can't find a place to restore the original one I have I will be back for a 2nd plate. Nobody will know the difference! THAT is how good it is!

Nelson - Palm City, Florida

This is my 4th order from your company. I appreciate the quality and the efficient service. Thanks!

Bill D - Nashville, Tennessee


Cindy F - Hanover, PA

I wanted to take the time to thank you.Your product is second to none, service is outstanding!!If everyone operated business like you, there would be no competition!!Thanks again

Byron - Winfield, Pennsylvania

Thanks, you did good!

Steve Sierra

My order was on my desk when I arrived this morning. Thank you, great job the folks here in the corporate office were amazed at the quality. The embossed XLR8! wowed all, I've even had requests for plates of their own.I'll place an order for the new states that launch soon and may duplicate the order for our marketing department, these will be great on our conference room wall and our shuttles out in the markets.

Lester - North Charleston, South Carolina

ATTN: Customer ServiceTo whom it may concern,I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your company for producing a fine product. I have ordered about 8 plates from you over the past 10 years and have been delighted by every one of them.I recently ran into a miss communication with the printing of my latest plate. It was a gift for a friend of mine. I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to have the plate redone at a nominal fee. I understand the price of raw materials, shipping and handling and the other items that go with that. But all in all the recipient loved what was given to him thus eliminating the need to redo that plate. Thanks again.In the meantime I will get together additional information for new plates over the next couple of weeks. Again thank you for your assistance and your continued production of a quality product.Sincerely Yours,Lester

Robert B - Toledo, OH

6 of my Classic Cars that all have your license plates on them.You could use these as a testimonial of a satisfied customer many times over -The custom license plates that you have provided to me give my classic cars the finishing touch.Thanks for your great product and service that you provide

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