
Custom Embossed License Plates Found Nowhere Else is pleased to offer our customers and Affiliate partners the largest and most diverse selection of custom metal replica license plates on the internet. From virtually perfect reproductions of iconic antique USA State embossed metal license plates to perfect recreations of European and International license plates from over 150 countries. We pride ourselves in delivering license plates with authentic fonts which are embossed on aluminum, no flat replica license plates which deceive many customers. Our team at can manufacture millions of different types of license plates and produce more different plates on any given day than any other manufacturer in the world! No other internet retailer comes close!. Our customers are fastidious about their cars and license plates and select because of our quality and quick order processing times.

By joining our Affiliate program you can create revenue by providing access to over 5,000 license plates with millions of combinations of authentic fonts, colors, layouts and sizes!

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  • Earn commission on all products, without any restrictions. Our average sale is over $100, so with a fixed commission rate of 7%, the average gross commission per a sale is $7!
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My 5th plate from you over the years (019320, A-1940, C-1940, 1954STU and now 32P-KUP). The latest plate looks great, took less than a week to get it,is already mounted on the pickup and now all I have to do is finish building the rest of the project. Great deal!


My brother just loved the license plate. He was never so happy.He said you really did a fantastic job!!!!I know you really went out of your way!!Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It made me really happy to put a smile on his face. Have a good Thanksgiving and thank you soooooooo very much!!!!! - Barbara

Chris - Palmerston, New Zealand

Hi Platemeister,Recently I ordered some SS 1966 black & yellow California plates and wondering where the order status was at.GOOD NEWS....The plates have arrived today. An extremely fast delivery from Florida to my home in Palmerston North New Zealand.Thank you for the very prompt delivery! Most excellent - and so are the plates!

Jason H - Covington, GA

Hey guys... I wasnt sure who to email. I got my license plate installed and I love it!!! You guys are the best... Here is a picture. Thanks again for the license plate....

Bill R - Largo, FL

You have internet sales figured out. I got just what I wanted, just what I ordered and I got it fast. Nice job.

Rene'e H - Milford, Pennsylvania

Elmer, I received my plate. Terrific job! Thank you - I am very pleased.

Joe - Fairmont, West Virginia

Ijust wanted to let you know that my correspondent in Japan was very pleasedwith the plates and they fulfilled his specifications.Thanksagain for the timely execution of our order, and we will not hesitate to useyour services again should the need arise.Cheers,

Freddy - Five Points, Alabama

Received my tag today, Saturday, it is a beauty.Thanks for the customer service you gave.Freddy

Hussain Delaware

Hi,I'm in love with my new plates, very best quality and printing. Thanks a lot!5 Stars Rated Company!Best Regards.

Chris - Chicago, Illinois

Hi,I wanted to let you know how happy we are with the license plates! They came out awesome!Chris

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