New Mexico

New Mexico License Plates

New Mexico began registering vehicles as a territory, just before becoming a state. The first official state license plates issued by New Mexico were in 1912. There were only three years where New Mexico license plates were undated: 1912, 1913 and 1961. Porcelain license plates were issued in 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923. All early license plates were made of steel. It was New Mexico and not Florida which first adopted the slogan: "SUNSHINE STATE" in 1932, a full 17 years before Florida! In 1940, the slogan "CORONADO QUARTO CENTINNIAL" and the years 1540 – 1940 were embossed/stamped on the state’s license plates. In 1941, the slogan "THE LAND OF ENCHANTMENT" was embossed on license plates and is still used today, although in 1952 "THE" was dropped from the slogan.

New Mexico boasts one of the best designed and artistic license plates in the world. Beginning in 1927, the famous ZIA sun was embossed on the state’s license plates and this symbol still appears on New Mexico license plates issued today. The ZIA is screened or machine printed on retro-reflective foil. Colors for New Mexico license plates have been a reflection of the colors popular among the various Indian nations indigenous to the state. These colors include: Red, Blue, Turquoise, Bright Yellow, Green and others.

Other features appearing on New Mexico’s license plates are:

  • Tabs were used to revalidate license plates from 1921 – 1923.
  • The 1921 tab was red and diamond shaped.
  • The 1922 tab was a silver octagon.
  • The 1923 tab was a yellow six pointed star.
  • In 1925, the New Mexico license plates were embossed/stamped with FRONT and REAR.


Caesar C Chicago Illinois

I picked up my license plate from my aunt's place this weekend and I just wanted to let you know it arrived safe and sound, and to say it's very beautiful, and to say thank you so much for helping me and making sure I finally got it. It looks perfect and exactly like the real license plate from that era; I can't believe how similar it is to the real thing! Again, thank you very, very much! It (and you) are wonderful!

Farrell - Tallahassee, Florida

My custom license plate is wonderful, awesome! Thanks so much!

Jeff M - St. Petersberg, Florida

Hello:Wanted to let you know that I received my plate yesterday, and am very pleased. Your custom reproduction of a 1934 Florida plate is outstanding in every way, and the craftsmanship used to make it is obvious. I have purchased other plates from you folks, and the results have always been superb. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

Christian - Miami Springs, Florida

Just wanted to express my thanx. The previous order was excellent and just what i was expecting from you guys. You people do and excellent job and one can always be happy and satisfy with the product that you all provide.On the text that i wrote i placed a space between the "cr753" and the "@". The reason that i included that space was because in the preview of the plate, it just didn't seemed to look correct without the space. If the space is not require for the plate to look like the one you guys have as a sample, please do not include the space.Once again, i would like to commend and thank you all for your excellent craftsmanship and service you provide. If you all ever are able to acquire the front plate holders for the front Italian plates, please don't hesitate to write me and email so i may be able to procure one from you guys... Thank you...

Victor - Charleston, South Carolina

Goodmorning - I amnot sure this is the right email or not to, but all I got to say is that I amvery impressed with the license plate. I love it so much I am thinking inre-ordering a replica of it. It got here quick. You guys are awesome and I amglad I found you on the search engine google.  Thanksyou so much!!!! Victor

Fayaz Mawji

I got the plate frames yesterday and love it. Fayaz

Paul - Canterbury, New Zealand

Thanks for the plates, took 11 days to arrive (new record from USA to NZ, is usually a minimum of 21 days with other items), better plates than I expected, hope to do business again in the future. A+Paul D

Gladys Orlando Florida

WE LOVE IT!!! Other people are asking where did we order our plate from. They will be ordering some soon.

Jeffrey - Jacksonville, Florida

LicensePlates.TV: I just wanted to thank you for your prompt service, quality work, and for your wide range of options via store online. Again, thank you. I will recommend you.Thank You,Jeffrey A.

Joe Sebbio

I received the Hawaii license plates yesterday that I ordered from your company.To say that I am pleased would be a complete understatement. The plates are fantastic and the customer service is the same.From the personal replies I received from you, the confirmation, proof, tracking and even the extreme high quality packaging I am so impressed that I am almost lost for words.Thanks so very much!

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