License Plate Replicas (800) 491-2068 world license plates

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One – Stop – Shop For License Plate Replicas and Frames

There are few online stores offering a wide variety of license plate replicas and license plate frames from around the world.  Most of these online stores offer me-too lines of license plates and cheap frames from China. The internet store with the widest variety of custom license plates and exclusive chrome finished stainless-steel frames is  -also known as “the Place for Plates”.   If a customer was looking for a South Korean license plate as seen on internet video “Gangnam Style”, the only place on the web where this plate can be purchased is –with your custom plate number.



While most internet websites offer a few license plate replicas from around the world, will satisfy the wants of virtually all auto enthusiasts.  A few weeks ago, a collector who owns a rare Fiat wanted to get the same Genoa license plates seen in a photo log of his car.  The team at reviewed the grainy black and white photos and turned out a pair of show-quality license plates much to the delight of the antique Fiat owner! (more…)

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Shopping for License Plates on the Internet 800-491-2068

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Shopping for License Plates on the Internet

The most difficult part in shopping the internet for license plates is the selection of the store.  There are at least one-hundred internet stores selling license plates but only one store with the widest selection of license plates in the world.  This store is which offers license plates from countries like Andorra to popular countries like Russia, Germany and Switzerland.  The store offers the most complete line of license plates in the world and 98% of the countries of the world are represented in the product category, which includes States within the United States and the Provinces of Canada.  License plates from all countries are made by embossing Aluminum with the correct fonts and finished in correct colors and designs.  It is no wonder that the movie and TV studios from Hollywood and around the world count on to accurately make license plates for film and TV production.

Art Directors for movies and TV shows and auto enthusiasts alike choose for accurate reproduction of metal license plates.  In movie/TV vehicle crash scenes, where plastic license plates shatter and not bend, prop masters noting the high resolution of HD or IMAX camera formats, chose only metal license plates from  Auto enthusiasts select because no other internet merchant offers accurate versions of authentic license plates in embossed/stamped metal. is the only internet merchant to offer accurate fonts for country, state and province license plates.  Most internet merchants can only manufacture European style license plates using the new German license plate font –even for European countries with different fonts like the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, Holland, France or other European community member countries.  Unfortunately, search engines like Google or Bing does not check the accuracy content on the internet, so merchants use various gimmicks to get on the top the page for search results and never know they are purchasing a license plate with incorrect fonts.  After investing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars/Euros to purchase a nice automobile, customers are duped by many internet merchants and mainly the search engines (Google & Bing) purchasing, for example, a Great Britain and the United Kingdom license plate with incorrect new German fonts. (more…)

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