One – Stop – Shop For License Plate Replicas and Frames
There are few online stores offering a wide variety of license plate replicas and license plate frames from around the world. Most of these online stores offer me-too lines of license plates and cheap frames from China. The internet store with the widest variety of custom license plates and exclusive chrome finished stainless-steel frames is -also known as “the Place for Plates”. If a customer was looking for a South Korean license plate as seen on internet video “Gangnam Style”, the only place on the web where this plate can be purchased is –with your custom plate number.

While most internet websites offer a few license plate replicas from around the world, will satisfy the wants of virtually all auto enthusiasts. A few weeks ago, a collector who owns a rare Fiat wanted to get the same Genoa license plates seen in a photo log of his car. The team at reviewed the grainy black and white photos and turned out a pair of show-quality license plates much to the delight of the antique Fiat owner! (more…)